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The Edit


First, I will look at the manuscript as a whole to ensure there are no glaring problems with the structure and then I get down to the detail, going through the text line by line. I will edit for sense, flow and consistency, ensuring that your story and characters will reach your readers in the way you intended. The Edit will also check for typos and other errors including spelling, grammar and punctuation. Basic formatting for e-book or print can be requested.


Be aware that this is not a proofread; your manuscript should be checked by a fresh pair of eyes prior to publishing, even if you decide not to commission the services of a professional proofreader.


Guideline Pricing:


£12–£16 ($15–$19) per 1,000 words.


Checks and Services included in The Edit:


  • typos

  • spelling mistakes

  • grammar and usage

  • capitalisation

  • punctuation errors

  • consistency of style

  • consistency of content

  • style considerations

  • copyright and fair use

  • fact checking

  • content and structure

  • wording for clarity, consistency and flow

  • formatting



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