Why choose me to edit your book?
I respect your voice and those anomalies which are the author's prerogative, fixing only what needs to be fixed in order to enhance what you have created.
My training with the SfEP (now the CIEP) and Chapterhouse ensures that I know the rules which should be followed; my experience ensures that I know when it's okay to break those rules.
I am a fan of genre fiction. I love it. From fantasy to thriller, romance to sci-fi and crime to erotica. I genuinely enjoy diving into stories, getting to know the characters, and helping to make the final copy the best it can be.
Stories don't have to be fictional to be compelling, narrative non-fiction is greeted with equal enthusiasm.
Your voice, your story. It is my job to polish your work so that it shines whilst losing none of what makes it yours.
If I do not have the specific expertise or the availability to give your writing the attention it deserves, I will not take your commission.
I am professional, approachable, reliable, supportive, enthusiastic and creative whilst providing an excellent attention to detail.
I pride myself on my integrity but, for your added assurance, as a member of the CIEP I am bound by their professional Code of Practice.
I work mainly on screen in Word using Track Changes but can also work on PDF using the Comment function or on hard copy using the British Standards Institution (BSi) symbols.
Six years of writing custom erotica has made me good at working to brief and extremely open-minded. Strong sexual content does not faze me.
More than being a fan of crime fiction, I have studied how to Write Successful Crime Fiction which gives me an in-depth understanding of this genre's craft.
I have studied screenwriting at Napier University in Edinburgh so I am familiar with the format and conventions of this discipline.
I have taken the TEFL course as part of my commitment to working with ESL authors.